Forecasting becomes prediction, by real time production- and logistical planning
Forecasting becomes prediction by applying real-time production and logistics planning
Effectively compete on price against volume products from the Far East is often unfeasible. To compete, local producers have to be flexible, and should ensure delivery of high-quality products. Local products have the advantage of short supply chains, dealing in local languages and the capability to offer small batch sizes. Downside of smaller series is frequent changeovers and less volume. Knowing the key steering parameters is essential in order to be able to produce in a cost effective manner. Planning and execution need to converge, including improved collaboration with supply chain partners, raw material suppliers and transporters. For example, it makes little sense to produce goods while your carrier is not capable to pick it up because he is waiting for additional orders to fill his truck completely. In short, the supply chain must be capable to effectively respond to local demand. Biz2Be has partnerships with suppliers that provide the most advanced planning and control technologies. Even in the automotive industry, where for years the Lean principles have been implemented, applying these technologies improved working capital with 25 to 50%.