What we do

Biz2Be is a management consulting firm for Business Controlling. The field of Business Controlling focuses on growth and innovation, and considers it both operationally and financially. Many companies lack sufficient insight on especially production and logistics. Processes and procedures are often not up to date. In short, there is some slack in the control of these processes. Biz2Be figures out time and money are lost. If necessary, the processes and the corresponding adjusted information provisioning will be redefined. An important element is the planning. Competition is already applying real time planning solutions for their supply chain. This provides them an incredible competitive advantage. Together with its partners Biz2Be ensures that your company obtains real time control, and will be able to compete. Moreover, this approach results in a substantial reduction of your working capital. 

The result of these activities is that you get real time control on your organization. You can lead your company to profitability, and continuity is ensured. The underlying models and algorithms can be used for scenarios planning, taking into account both the operational and financial consequences. These scenarios are the basis for any additional funding requests and or application for subsidies.
Our approach is characterised by translating the mission, vision and ideas into concrete plans and actions. This is done holistically, so not only the financial feasibility, but the operational feasibility as well. We help to define an integrated approach to strategy, processes, technology, structure, people and culture, while assessing the dynamics of the situation. With this robust foundation you will regain control of your business and improve your profitability.