About us
Biz2Be Management Consultants specialize in supporting production- and logistical innovation in large and midsized companies, both in the Netherlands, where we are based, and internationally. The purpose of such changes is to define and implement effective business solutions. Response to market demand is ensured, by applying real time planning solutions and management of key steering parameters. We are devoted to creating success, which for us means seeing our advice implemented and the client reaping the benefits.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corportate Social Responsibility is a “way of life” at Biz2Be. It is a key driver for all our activities, and we practise what we preach. Our car is a hybrid BMW. We share the same key values as the design team of this car: innovative, visionary, fun, ecological and financially smart. Biz2Be also participates in the "BP target neutral" program. This means that all CO2 emissions are compensated. In short: a healthy balance across people, planet and profit.
PearlChain, our partner for real time planning & execution solutions. See www.pearlchain.net
USoft, our partner for Requirements management solutions. www.usoft.com
iLogik, our partner for Enterprise Architecture solutions. www.ilogik.nl
Logicons, our partner in logistical consultancy. See www.logicons.nl
Covision, our change partner. See www.covision.nl
Viritso, our general ICT service provider, datacenter, network & website hosting partner. See. www.virtiso.nl
De Investeerdersclub, our investment partner. See www.deinvesteerdersclub.nl
Energy4Business, our partner for education & coaching. See www.energie4business.nl