Beware, your planning is lagging behind !!!
Many companies do not realize that their planning system for production and logistics is outdated. Some still use the scheduling module of their ERP, others have specific tools and most companies still use Excel ... None of these systems is able to update the planning in real time, in case of an opportunity (new order), or a disturbance (rejected material, machinery failure, delivery delay, etc).
But if all companies have this way of working, what is the problem? The problem lies in competition. A number of multinationals and a few smaller companies already do have real-time planning. This makes them very agile and cost effective. As these and other companies apply real-time planning at larger scale, competitors become unbeatable! Knowing what to do? Join on January 16, 2015 to
In this workshop we will discuss the importance of this new planning techniques, and find out your next step. Do not miss it, because your competitors are probably already applying it...
Keep struggling with office or do you choose to be effective?
In almost all companies in the Office products are commonly and widely used. Even business critical processes like planning & scheduling, cost calculations and reports are created in Excel, PowerPoint and Access. The main objection to the use of this tooling is not the tooling itself, but very inefficient and incompetent use of it. Most users have familiarized themselves in these tools, occasionally supported by a colleague.
On the other hand Office has developed as well. However features such as PowerPivot, special graphics and Macros are unknown to most users. The result is that an unnecessary amount of time is lost because users don’t use the latest features. For some knowledge workers this can add up to a few hours a day!